Thursday, November 5, 2009

DESPOTZ’09-A National Level Technical Symposium

The DESPOTZ’09(Absolute Rulers), a National Level Technical Symposium was conducted by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of SNS College of Engineering on 5th November 2009.

It encourages the youthful potential engineering brains from all over the country together and come out with constructive ideas towards technical excellence.It is an arena where the students can share their innovative ideas by presenting various technical papers on emerging areas like VLSI, Embedded Systems, Nano Technology ,Biomedical Engineering ,RF ID, Networking etc.

The best twenty six papers were selected for presentation. Other events like Circuit Debugging ,Technical Quiz and Marketing were conducted to the DESPOTZ participants of various college .

Valedictory function began with prayer at 3.00 pm.The Executive Member of DESPOTZ’09 welcomed the gathering.

The principal Dr.G.karuppusami gave the presidential address.
Prof.S.Baskar, Department of Mechanical Engineering from KCT,Coimbatore gave a inspiring speech about the function and distributed the prizes to the winners of various events.

The gathering was felicitated by Prof. R.Natarajan, Administrative officer, SNSCE and Mrs.T.Kowsalya, Head of the Department, Electronics and Communication Engineering proposed a formal vote of thanks.