February 28 is celebrated as National Science Day in India to commemorate the Nobel Prize awarded to Sir.C.V.Raman. SNS College of Engineering embarked to observe National Science Day through a debate.
“Science without Humanity” is one of the seven social sins proclaimed by Mahatma Gandhiji. However the rapid development of science forces the society to strike a compromise with the values of humanity. In this juncture, the National Science Day 2008 proved an ideal platform for the SNSCE students to debate on the topic “Does Science destroys Moral Values?” Prof.R.Natarajan, HoD, Department of Science and Humanities moderated the lively debate. The team of D.Krishnanand, Jyothish.M.Peter, Annie Ratna Priya and Buma Dharsiny were of the view that Science does not kill human values. Their nemesis was the team of P.Nirmala, T.Vanathi, N.Muthu Ezhilarasan and K.Rajbharath. An august gathering of about 60 students from all departments of SNSCE eagerly followed the debate. The organizing committee comprised of Mr.Pon.Rathnavel , Lecturer – Mechanical Engineering and students Ms.K.Alamelu and Mr.S.M.Ramesh(both ECE).
“Science without Humanity” is one of the seven social sins proclaimed by Mahatma Gandhiji. However the rapid development of science forces the society to strike a compromise with the values of humanity. In this juncture, the National Science Day 2008 proved an ideal platform for the SNSCE students to debate on the topic “Does Science destroys Moral Values?” Prof.R.Natarajan, HoD, Department of Science and Humanities moderated the lively debate. The team of D.Krishnanand, Jyothish.M.Peter, Annie Ratna Priya and Buma Dharsiny were of the view that Science does not kill human values. Their nemesis was the team of P.Nirmala, T.Vanathi, N.Muthu Ezhilarasan and K.Rajbharath. An august gathering of about 60 students from all departments of SNSCE eagerly followed the debate. The organizing committee comprised of Mr.Pon.Rathnavel , Lecturer – Mechanical Engineering and students Ms.K.Alamelu and Mr.S.M.Ramesh(both ECE).
Prof.R.Natarajan welcomed the gathering and participants for the debate and elucidated on the importance and legend of the National Science Day. He also briefly explained the baseline of the topic and invited views from the participants. D.Krishnanand (I EEE) opened up the debate. He mentioned that he was unable to configure how people can imagine of science destroying moral values. He followed it up with examples of how science can enhance the moral values in day to day lives. However his class mate P.Nirmala (I EEE) ran through the same list of examples on how science could destroy moral values. This had the audience in splits. She ended up quoting Einstein “Lets make things simple. Not Simpler” and said that since Science was so simple, morality became an easy target. Jyothish M. Peter (I CSE) with his valiant voice and deft diction made strong points for the cause of science not destroying human values. He was equally combated by the enthusiastic T. Vanathi (I ECE) who was firm that the current generation is suffering from too much of science. Annie Ratna Priya (I CSE) drew parallels from India in the 1960s and India in the 2010s and explained how science made things easier for human beings in the gap of 50 years. N. Muthu Ezhilarasan (I IT) then brought in the issue of development Vs environment and quoted a series of environmental issues to argue and augur his case. The final speakers for both sides V.Bumadharsiny (I IT) and K. Rajbharath (I ECE) hottened up the debate. They both threw pointers at each other and reiterated in such force that enthused the audience who kept cheering for both of them. Their arguments took rapid strides and the moderator Prof.R.Natarajan had to bring the house down to order a couple of times.
Prof.R.Natarajan resumed his speech after all the participants and firstly applauded the participants. He explained that he kept science out of the discussion by arranging it in a simple hall devoid of any sound systems and LCDs. He mentioned that science was inevitable to the humanity. However when kept in a scale with morality, science should take a back seat. He emphasized the audience to always keep morality high and never let it down in the sake of promoting science. He quoted points from all the speakers and concluded that science and morality should be in complete harmony and there should be no case of each destroying the others. The verdict was well received by the audience and they were very happy to be a part of such an intriguing and informative debate on the lovely occasion.